Title: Darkness Falls 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Crime, Drama, Thriller
IMDB Rating:
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Julien Seri
Writer: Giles Daoust
Stars: Shawn Ashmore, Gary Cole, Daniella Alonso
Genres: 2020 Movies | Crime, Drama, Thriller
IMDB Rating:
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Julien Seri
Writer: Giles Daoust
Stars: Shawn Ashmore, Gary Cole, Daniella Alonso
Synopsis: Hollywood English movie Darkness Falls 2020 in high quality. Darkness Falls is a crime drama film. The main character of the movie is Jeff Anderson. Jeff Anderson is a detective. After his wife’s apparent suicide, detective Jeff Anderson is convinced that she was murdered. Obsessed with his investigation, Anderson discovers that his wife was the victim of a team of serial killers made up of father and son. He will have to go against all rules to prevent other women from being killed. movies joy provides recent movies to watch for free and in high definition.