Title: Belfast 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Kenneth Branagh
Writer: Kenneth Branagh
Stars: Jude Hill, Lewis McAskie, Caitriona Balfe
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Kenneth Branagh
Writer: Kenneth Branagh
Stars: Jude Hill, Lewis McAskie, Caitriona Balfe
Synopsis: Belfast 2021 is a new Hollywood drama film. Kenneth Branagh directed as well as wrote the screenplay for this picture. Buddy is the primary character in this flick (Jude Hill). This narrative takes place in the late 1960s. Branagh’s working-class upbringing was filled with drama. Kenneth Branagh attempted to tell the story of his life in this film. So many issues began in Northern Ireland when he was young. Belfast, his homeland, was immersed in community strife. Buddy is Branagh’s younger brother. He was playing outdoors when a brawl broke out in the street and Molotov cocktails started flying. In England, his father works as a skilled craftsman. When his father returns from work for a few days. Buddy’s parents were bickering over money and their children’s future. Buddy sat there and listened to their conversion. His father was eager to leave Belfast and all of its problems behind, but his mother couldn’t bear the thought of living anywhere else. Now, through seeing the entire film, you must discover the entire tale of the director’s life. JoyMovies website is a famous platform to enjoy the latest as well as blockbuster old movies for free.