Title: The Legend of the Five 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
IMDB Rating: 2.5/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Director: Joanne Samuel
Writers: Peter McLeod
Stars: Lauren Esposito, Gabi Sproule, Leigh Joel Scott
Genres: 2020 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
IMDB Rating: 2.5/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Director: Joanne Samuel
Writers: Peter McLeod
Stars: Lauren Esposito, Gabi Sproule, Leigh Joel Scott
Synopsis: The Legend of the Five 2020 is here on the website, chargeless in HD Quality. This movie revolves around five teenage students. Their school authority takes its students to a museum for the excursion. In that museum, the five find a cube that transports them to a different world. This world is full of magic and dangerous creatures. Soon they came to know about some evil powers which are planning to destroy the world. Now, the five have to fight with the evil to save the world. The moviesjoy Horror tab of this website is now loaded with the latest Horror movies.