Title: Working Man 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 5.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Robert Jury
Writer: Robert Jury
Stars: Peter Gerety, Billy Brown, Talia Shire
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 5.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Robert Jury
Writer: Robert Jury
Stars: Peter Gerety, Billy Brown, Talia Shire
Synopsis: Download popular drama movie Working Man 2020 absolutely free. The movie is set in an American town named Rust Belt. The story take place when one more factory is closed there. After working in this factory for more than decades, the old man (Allery Parkes) finds himself out of work. Without a job, he cannot find peace in his mind. However, despite the best efforts of his wife, he is not ready to understand and he starts sneaking into the closed factory. Soon he is joined by his co-workers. They start rallies in the town and try to make pressure on the company owner to restart the factory. Stream free moviesjoy movies without any hassle.