Title: I Got the Hook Up 2 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Comedy
IMDB Rating: 3.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Corey Grant
Writer: Michael Ballard, Ramello Barnes
Stars: Johnny ‘Koolout’ Starks, Farrah Laurel Abraham, Alexandru Achindinov
Genres: 2019 Movies | Comedy
IMDB Rating: 3.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Corey Grant
Writer: Michael Ballard, Ramello Barnes
Stars: Johnny ‘Koolout’ Starks, Farrah Laurel Abraham, Alexandru Achindinov
Synapsis:Jeezy was a characteristic on-screen character on the arrangement of “I Got The Hook Up 2” as he assumed the job “Enormous Moe”. Jeezy has a second profession as he is setting music aside for later to pursue his acting dreams. The rapper moved to L.A. explicitly to break into acting. He says he’s marked with UTA, one of Hollywood’s top ability organizations. Also, has been trying out for jobs, essentially in films as he handled his first Hollywood move on the motion picture exemplary “I Got The Hook Up 2”. He’s especially certain, letting us know, “Will Smith, keep an eye out!”. Watch more Comedy Movies online without any membership.