Title: Abnormal Attraction 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
IMDB Rating: 6.0/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Michael Leavy
Writer: Steven Della Salla, Jason Leavy
Stars: Michael Buscemi, Malcolm McDowell, Leslie Easterbrook
Genres: 2018 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
IMDB Rating: 6.0/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Michael Leavy
Writer: Steven Della Salla, Jason Leavy
Stars: Michael Buscemi, Malcolm McDowell, Leslie Easterbrook
In a world where humans and monsters co-exist, Dr. Stanley Cole (Bruce Davison) is given the task of taking over an AA (Abnormal Attraction) group. He is faced with a variety of people who have different sexual fascinations with the monsters, and one-by-one they reveal their stories. The usual leader of the group Nick (Nathan Reid) has been kidnapped by witch Hildie (Leslie Easterbrook) and the Boogeyman (Malcolm McDowell), and he attempts to use his skills to escape and foster peace between humans and monsters.