2022 Movies, Horror Movies

Fallen 2022

Title: Fallen 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Horror
IMDB Rating: 2.0/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Nicolo Fumero
Writer: Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, Francesco Lucci
Stars: Ortensia Fioravanti, Daniel McVicar, Alessia Pratolongo
Synopsis: Simone Chiattone, Nicolo’ Fumero, and Francesco Lucci wrote the screenplay for Fallen 2022. Nicolo Fumero is also in charge of the film’s director. The picture opens with the earth being enveloped in darkness. The Grandmaster summons Father Abraham Fallen (Andrea Zirio) (Daniel McVicar). The chief of the church’s covert arm was tasked with carrying out the objective of “violent compassion.” He and his wheelchair-bound daughter Sarah (Ortensia Fioravanti) leave town to prepare for the future in a remote area. Father Abraham is in distress; he is experiencing nightmares about the birth of his daughter, and the flashback appears to have been a blunder. Then, one night, he sees and shoots an odd human being. Unfortunately for her, she is not alone in this. We hear about “The Darkness” on the radio and from characters in conversation, and we see dark clouds hovering in an opening scene. However, when a person is outside during the day, it is not extremely dark. It appears to be a cloudy winter day. Father Abraham murdered Sarah’s mother with an axe because he attempted to heal his daughter’s handicap with sage. And he didn’t do anything so bad that he lost custody. For watching HD Quality Free Hollywood movies Moviesjoy To platform is the perfect and easily available website for you.