Title: You Are Not My Mother 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Kate Dolan
Writer: Kate Dolan
Stars: Hazel Doupe, Carolyn Bracken, Paul Reid
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Kate Dolan
Writer: Kate Dolan
Stars: Hazel Doupe, Carolyn Bracken, Paul Reid
Synopsis: You Do Not Represent My Mother The plot of 2022 is centered on a brilliant if not a little eccentric, young woman. Her mother, who is suffering from mental illness, vanishes. She has evolved. Could it be that her mother has regained awareness and obtained the assistance she requires, or, worse, that her mother has died? In this film, Char (Hazel Doupe) leads the cast. Kate Dolan, the director, and writer depict the horrors of adolescent life as well as the horrors of a girl lost in her home, generating a building sense of suspense and terror that grabs the spectator at times. The film’s look and feel are of our reality, an Ireland that we see and pass through every day with its consulate and neighbors. What sits down, though, is old and angry. If you are familiar with the notion of Changing, you will discover that not all fairy stories end pleasantly and that Old Ireland fairies are not to be trifled with. One of the film’s major virtues is that we never truly trust that characters are who they claim they are. From a mother of four to a school bully, Angela to Suzanne (Jordanne Jones), it’s vital to remember that appearances may be deceiving and that there is no such thing as the first time they appear. Joy Movies Free platform is the most recommended website in the Hollywood Movies world. Joy Movies Free platform is the most recommended website in the Hollywood Movies world.