Title: Wrath of Man 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Guy Ritchie
Writer: Nicolas Boukhrief, Éric Besnard
Stars: Jason Statham, Holt McCallany, Josh Hartnett
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Guy Ritchie
Writer: Nicolas Boukhrief, Éric Besnard
Stars: Jason Statham, Holt McCallany, Josh Hartnett
Synopsis: Wrath of Man 2021 Hollywood Movie is going to fill the Action and Thriller movie lovers with joy. This film is directed by Guy Ritchie. The writers of this movie are Nicolas Boukhrief and Éric Besnard. Jason Statham, the famous Action movie actor has played “H” in this movie. He is working as the driver in the Fortico armored car company in Los Angeles. His coworkers have given him the name H because he is a type of overworked salesman or societal machine. He is a nameless cog in his office and he is the cheater at his workplace. To get this joy he has hardly passed in only two tests that were of driving and shooting. But after knowing all his history, Bullet (Holt McCallany) has hired him and become his supervisor. Now you have to watch and find out that How H is going to help Bullet and what is the main motive of Bullet to hire H? With the JoyMovies website many of you are already enjoying movies, invite your friends also to this site so that they also can watch Hollywood films for free.