2022 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies

Wolf Hound 2022

Title: Wolf Hound 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Adventure, War
IMDB Rating: 3.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Michael B. Chait
Writer: Michael B. Chait, Timothy Ritchey
Stars: James Maslow, Trevor Donovan, John Turk
Synopsis: Based on the real-life Nazi program KG 200, Wolfhound tells the story of a Judeo-American pilot who was killed behind enemy lines. With his intelligence and a little more than a sidearm, he must defeat a formidable enemy, rescue his captured crew, and foil a plot that could change the course of the war. Inspired by the real-life German Special Operations Unit KG 200, which shot down, repaired, and flew allied aircraft in the form of Trojan horses, “Wolfhound” took place in 1944 in German-occupied France and was the son of a Judeo-American combat pilot. Follows bold deeds. David Holden. By ambushing behind enemy lines, Holden must rescue the crew of a captured B-17 flying fort, avoid being pursued by a ruthless enemy at every turn, and foil a plot. Which could completely change the outcome of World War II. HD streaming of the latest Moviejoy films are continued for many years, here you can even search for TV Shows too.