Title: Metal Lords 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Music, Musical
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Peter Sollett
Writer: D.B. Weiss
Stars: Jaeden Martell, Adrian Greensmith, Isis Hainsworth
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Music, Musical
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Peter Sollett
Writer: D.B. Weiss
Stars: Jaeden Martell, Adrian Greensmith, Isis Hainsworth
Synopsis: Hunter (Adrian Greensmith) and Kevin (Jaeden Martell) had been buddies since elementary school. They will, however, never be tested in high school. Hunter resorted to heavy metal music for relaxation when his mother abandoned him and his plastic surgeon father Dr. Sylvester (Brett Gelman) a few years ago, and Kevin was among others who joined him. Metallica, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath, whose posters adorn the walls of the couple’s abode in Hunter’s basement, serve as role models. Unfortunately, the hunter’s reaction to their rebellious immoral activities and rights has sparked a terrible attitude within him, intensifying his sentiments of self-sacrifice and making him apathetic to others. While the two debated forming a band with Kevin with lead vocals on drums and Hunter on guitar, things don’t get started until Scottish transfer student Emily (Isis Hainsworth) arrived. She’s a quick study at Cello and has a short fuse if she doesn’t take her medicine. A wonderful recipe for a future rock star. His school’s long-dormant Battle of the Bands tradition was resurrected about this time. Hunter’s ambition for a probable win in superstardom is naturally heightened as a result of this. Despite Kevin’s prodding, the hesitant hunter must first embrace Emily as part of his unique cycle. This inadvertent decision causes difficulties and rifts in the friendship, prompting Kevin to doubt his sense of commitment. Moviejoy Website is the Full HD Hollywood Movies streaming Platform, Enjoy all films for free now.