Title: The Power 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Corinna Faith
Writer: Corinna Faith
Stars: Mark Smith, Marley Chesham, Rose Williams
Genres: 2021 Movies | Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Corinna Faith
Writer: Corinna Faith
Stars: Mark Smith, Marley Chesham, Rose Williams
Synopsis: The Power 2021 is a Horror story from the year 1973/74 winter season. Due to the strike in Britain, coal reserves were running low due to that there is a blackout in the whole area. The story of this movie starts with the Hospital in Crispy condition in London. Val (Rose Williams) was looking for a job as a nurse from a long time. She was selected and joined the job at the London Hospital. After her joining Matron (Diveen Henry) has warned her. One day she was in her night shift and was allotted the Dark Shift. She was unknown to the labyrinthine halls of the Hospital. Babs (Emma Rigby) and Val have to look after the intensive care unit in their shift but Babs is less-than-bothered about all the things happening around her. So due to the blackout and filer of the emergency generator, Val reached the labyrinthine halls where she has faced so many horrible sounds coming from the walls of that area. You have to watch the movie to know the truth behind that Hospital. Corinna Faith has written the story for this movie and also has done the direction for this movie. Young Val’s role is played by Marley Chesham in the movie. Were you Looking for action movies? Visit Moviesjoy Action now and enjoy the full collection for free and in HD.