Title: The Pale Door 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Horror, Western
IMDB Rating: 3.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Aaron B. Koontz
Writer: Cameron Burns, Aaron B. Koontz
Stars: Melora Walters, Natasha Bassett, Zachary Knighton
Genres: 2020 Movies | Horror, Western
IMDB Rating: 3.9/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Aaron B. Koontz
Writer: Cameron Burns, Aaron B. Koontz
Stars: Melora Walters, Natasha Bassett, Zachary Knighton
Synopsis: Complete hd streaming of latest movie The Pale Door 2020. The film takes place in the Wild West. Dalton is the boss of a small group that began its criminal activities with small thefts. But feeling the clink of coins, the bandits wanted more. They robbed an entire train. Everything went according to plan, and they got their way. But during the retreat, their boss is seriously injured. Dalton cannot continue to retreat, and his team takes refuge in a ghost town, which has long been abandoned by most of the population. They hope that they will rest for a while and put in order the health of their leader. But the bandits do not even suspect what they will face. This is one of the best popular website for moviesjoy free streaming without subscription.