Title: The Man from Toronto 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Patrick Hughes
Writer: Robbie Fox, Chris Bremner, Jason Blumenthal
Stars: Kevin Hart, Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Comedy, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Patrick Hughes
Writer: Robbie Fox, Chris Bremner, Jason Blumenthal
Stars: Kevin Hart, Woody Harrelson, Kaley Cuoco
Synopsis: Once in Puerto Rico Tailor (Andres Jaramillo), Randy has an hour to teach Teddy (Kevin Hart). He buys him a suit, a set of scary-looking knives, and other tools, and coaches Teddy before he plays the killer at a technical convention. He has to find out which of the four men is Mr. Green. Randy coaches him through the earpiece. Panicked after a bite on the face, Teddy vomits two of them, so Green speaks. They almost get away from it, but one of the thugs sees Teddy’s earpiece, so Randy comes out of hiding, ruining them all. Facing Green, he says he came up with a dual security feature to thwart a plan to blow up the Venezuelan embassy: his thumb. Randy takes his thumb, then the Miami killer attacks him. After a crazy chase with Miami, Teddy and Randy succeed. Handler checks in with them, Randy didn’t know he sent her. Teddy warns her that he was lying to her, but he won’t admit it. On this platform Joy Movies Free Hollywood new releases are up to date, here you are getting new movies daily to watch online.