Title: The Croods A New Age 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Joel Crawford
Writer: Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Joel Crawford
Writer: Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds
The Croods: A New Age is an animation movie. The prehistoric family The Croods faces a very big challenge. They had to leave home because an earthquake destroyed their home. Now they have to search for a place where they can live and arrange their food easily. They find a place but there is already another family live. Now they also have to deal with another family that turns things upside down, The Betterman’s family. This family claims they are better developed than them. Watch Online moviesjoy movie without any charges.