Title: Squid Game Ji-ok S01 E02
Genres: 2021 TV Show | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Hwang Dong-hyuk
Writer: Hwang Dong-hyuk
Stars: Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Oh Yeong-su
Genres: 2021 TV Show | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Hwang Dong-hyuk
Writer: Hwang Dong-hyuk
Stars: Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Oh Yeong-su
Synopsis: The second episode of Squid Game 2021 is now available. Ji-ok is the name given to this section. This episode has also grown in popularity, with 7.6/10 ratings. In this scene, Seong Gi-Hun (Lee Jung-jae) must decide whether or not he wants to keep playing the game of wanting to be silent. However, once he quits, his life will never be the same as it was before. Now you can see what decision was made for the game by watching this section. Keep watching the latest movies and TV Shows with the Moviejoy site.