Title: Penguin Bloom 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Glendyn Ivin
Writer: Shaun Grant, Harry Cripps
Stars: Naomi Watts, Griffin Murray-Johnston, Andrew Lincoln
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Glendyn Ivin
Writer: Shaun Grant, Harry Cripps
Stars: Naomi Watts, Griffin Murray-Johnston, Andrew Lincoln
Synopsis: Penguin Bloom 2021 is a realistic movie and based on real-life events. Samantha Bloom is a mother of three boys and met with an accident while her husband and kids were enjoying Holidays in Thailand. She fell from the balcony onto the concrete around 40 feet below. She was restricted to a wheelchair as she had several injuries and a broken back. After a year her children brought a magpie to the home. As time passed the magpie became a member of the family. Due to that bird, the bond between the family member also got intense. Moviejoy website is a trendy movies brand, and here you can get many 2021 released movies also.