Title: Leo 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors : Robert Marianetti, Robert Smigel, David Wachtenheim
Writers: Robert Smigel, Adam Sandler, Paul Sado
Stars: Adam Sandler, Bill Burr, Cecily Strong
Genres: 2023 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors : Robert Marianetti, Robert Smigel, David Wachtenheim
Writers: Robert Smigel, Adam Sandler, Paul Sado
Stars: Adam Sandler, Bill Burr, Cecily Strong
Synopsis: Leo, a weary and skeptical lizard, has spent countless years residing in the same Florida classroom alongside his closest companion, Squirtle, a witty and sarcastic turtle. Upon discovering that his species typically lives for 75 years, Leo becomes determined to make the final year of his existence truly meaningful. Together, Leo and Squirtle concoct a plan to escape their confined environment and explore the wonders of the outside world. However, their aspirations are hindered by the arrival of a cruel substitute teacher. Driven by a sense of loyalty towards the students, Leo finds himself entangled in their daily struggles after the teacher assigns each child the responsibility of caring for the class pet at home. As Leo dedicates his time to various students, he not only gains insight into their lives but also discovers valuable lessons about his own. Stream online movies joy new collection online.