Title: Firestarter 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.0/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Keith Thomas
Writer: Scott Teems, Stephen King
Stars: Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Sydney Lemmon
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
IMDB Rating: 5.0/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Keith Thomas
Writer: Scott Teems, Stephen King
Stars: Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Sydney Lemmon
Synopsis: For more than a decade, parents Andy McGee (Andy McGee) and Vicky McGee (Sydney Lemmon) have been running away from their daughter Charlie McGee (Ryan Kiera Armstrong). Desperate to hide from a shadowy federal agency that wants to use its unique gift to make fire a weapon of mass destruction. Andy teaches Charlie how to reduce his power, which starts with anger or pain. But as Charlie turns 11, the fire gets harder to control. After the family’s whereabouts are revealed after an incident, a mysterious operator is deployed to hunt down the family and catch Charlie once and for all. Charlie has other plans. The Firestarter 2022 score was created by the great John Carpenter and his fellow Halloween franchise composers Cody Carpenter and Daniel A. Davies. Joy Movies Free internet platform has made its space among all the top ranking platforms, but here you can watch all the movies and TV Shows for free.