Title: Escape Room (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Horror
Language: English
Directors: Peter Dukes
Writer: Peter Dukes
Stars: Skeet Ulrich, Sean Young, Christine Donlon
Synapsis: four friends participating in the popular game Escape Room, in Los Angeles. This horror movie directed by Peter Dukes. It’s not on the verge they discover that they are locked together with a murderer possessed by a demon. Friends have less than an hour to solve all puzzles to get out of space alive. Watch more horror movies online without any cost.
Genres: 2017 Movie | Horror
Language: English
Directors: Peter Dukes
Writer: Peter Dukes
Stars: Skeet Ulrich, Sean Young, Christine Donlon
Synapsis: four friends participating in the popular game Escape Room, in Los Angeles. This horror movie directed by Peter Dukes. It’s not on the verge they discover that they are locked together with a murderer possessed by a demon. Friends have less than an hour to solve all puzzles to get out of space alive. Watch more horror movies online without any cost.