Title: Dragon Fury 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
IMDB Rating: 6.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Scott Jeffrey
Writer: Scott Jeffrey, Rhys Waterfield
Stars: Nicola Wright, Chelsea Greenwood, Sofia Lacey |
Genres: 2021 Movies | | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
IMDB Rating: 6.1/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Scott Jeffrey
Writer: Scott Jeffrey, Rhys Waterfield
Stars: Nicola Wright, Chelsea Greenwood, Sofia Lacey |
Synopsis: Dragon Fury 2021 movie is having a story full of Fantasy, Horror, Mystery. The writer and director Scott Jeffrey has done good work for this movie. Rhys Waterfield has helped him in the story writing work. In the film, Vanessa Reid (Nicola Wright) is assigned a new assignment and she has to reunite her whole team. In that assignment, they have to identify the existence of dragons. According to their planing, they have to find the remains of Dragon, and if they get success in that they will try to make it alive too. she is having a total of 5 members in her team, Libby Thornton (Sofia Lacey), Lexy Warren (Chrissie Wunna), Professor Stuart Palson (Andrew Rolfe), and Nicole Folland (Chrissie Wunna). Now you have to watch this full film and find out what may have happened with them? Watch the whole collection of the latest and interesting Hollywood films on the Moviesjoy Online streaming platform now.