Title: Critters Attack 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: 4.4/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Bobby Miller
Writer: Scott Lobdell, Domonic Muir
Stars: Tashiana Washington, Dee Wallace, Jaeden Noel
Genres: 2019 Movies | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: 4.4/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Bobby Miller
Writer: Scott Lobdell, Domonic Muir
Stars: Tashiana Washington, Dee Wallace, Jaeden Noel
Synapsis:The earth is under the control of the intrusion of unquenchable extraterrestrial outsiders, who need everything to taste the tooth. The youthful Dreya young lady dreams to work in school, for the present she plans, chooses to create and is introduced by the medical attendant. Together with the youngsters he takes a walk and in the timberland our legends find the abnormal, dentellated, yet uncommonly amicable. Watch more movies only on watchmovies123 online without any membership.