Title: Antlers 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
IMDB Rating: 6.2/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Scott Cooper
Writer: Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, Scott Cooper
Stars: Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
IMDB Rating: 6.2/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Scott Cooper
Writer: Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, Scott Cooper
Stars: Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas
Synopsis: Antlers 2021 is a new Drama Hollywood film for fans to enjoy. It will delight them with Horror and Mystery contained within the narrative. The fundamental plot of this film was inspired by Nick Antosca’s short tale “The Quiet Boy.” Nick enlisted the assistance of Scott Cooper and Henry Chaisson in developing the screenplay. The film directing was handled by Scott Cooper. The plot concentrates entirely around Frank Weaver (Scott Haze) and Aiden Weaver (Sawyer Jones). In a little hamlet in central Oregon, Frank maintains a math lab in an abandoned mine. Aiden, his little son, was waiting for him outside the mine. A strange thing assaulted Frank and his colleague while they were working in the lab. Aiden got out of the truck and began examining the strange sound coming from the lab after hearing it. Aiden got out of the truck and began examining the strange sound coming from the lab after hearing it. He had, however, been assaulted by those animals. After fleeing from their encounter with the beast, Frank and Aiden headed home. Their health soon deteriorates after seeing this horrific scenario. Moviesjoy Stream so many other films that are similar to it, keep watching movies online.