Title: American Traitor The Trial of Axis Sally 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 5.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Michael Polish
Writer: William E. Owen, Vance Owen
Stars: Meadow Williams, Al Pacino, Carsten Norgaard
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 5.6/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Michael Polish
Writer: William E. Owen, Vance Owen
Stars: Meadow Williams, Al Pacino, Carsten Norgaard
Synopsis: American Traitor The Trial of Axis Sally 2021 is a New Hollywood film based on the real event that happened in world war 2. An American woman Generalist Mildred Gillars ( Meadow Williams) and her lawyer James J. Laughlin (Al Pacino) are the main characters of this story. This movie’s story is taken from the books written by William E. Owen and Vance Owen. At the time of World war 2, Mildred Gillars has broadcasted Nazi propaganda on her channel. She was forced by the Nazis to sing defeatist war propaganda. After this activity, she was arrested by the trial American authorities and sent for trial. James agrees to defend her. After this, they both have the struggle to reclaim Mildred’s reputation, This Full Movie will portray the whole journey and difficulties they have faced. Watch the full movie now and get all the questions answered that are coming to your mind. MoviesJoy Sci-Fi films are also available here on the site, watch and enjoy these movies free online.