Title: Alpha 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Family
IMDB Rating: 6.7/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Albert Hughes
Writer: Daniele Sebastian Wiedenhaupt, Albert Hughes
Stars: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Johannes Haukur Johannesson, Marcin Kowalczyk
Genres: 2018 Movies | Adventure, Drama, Family
IMDB Rating: 6.7/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Albert Hughes
Writer: Daniele Sebastian Wiedenhaupt, Albert Hughes
Stars: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Johannes Haukur Johannesson, Marcin Kowalczyk
Synapsis: The story takes place in Europe 20,000 years ago, during the Palaeolithic, the last ice age. A brave young man participates in a hunt, but it goes wrong and he only stays behind. He has to go through dangerous and inhospitable nature to find his tribe again. It is going to be a life and death struggle to survive. Watch more adventure movies online without paying any charge.