Title: Alita Battle Angel 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action, Adventure, Romance
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Robert Rodriguez
Writer: James Cameron , Laeta Kalogridis
Stars: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action, Adventure, Romance
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Quality: 720p
Language: English
Directors: Robert Rodriguez
Writer: James Cameron , Laeta Kalogridis
Stars: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly
When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens without remembering who she is in a future world she does not recognizeinstead, to help her unearth their memories. When the deadly and corrupt forces that run the city begin to chase after Alita, she discovers a crucial clue to her past: she possesses unique combat abilities that those in power will want to control at all costs. Only by staying out of reach can he save his friends, his family and the world he has learned to love. Watch more new action movies online full free hd print.