Title: Every Last One of Them 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action
IMDB Rating: 3.0/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Christian Sesma
Writer: Alistair Cave, Chee Keong Cheung, Matthew Thomas Edwards
Stars: Richard Dreyfuss, Paul Sloan, Jake Weber
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action
IMDB Rating: 3.0/10
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: Christian Sesma
Writer: Alistair Cave, Chee Keong Cheung, Matthew Thomas Edwards
Stars: Richard Dreyfuss, Paul Sloan, Jake Weber
Synopsis: Every Last One of Them 2021 is the latest Hollywood action flick which is directed by Christian Sesma. The story takes place after the kidnapping of an ex-Black Ops soldier named Jake Hunter. He is desperate and finds his missing daughter Melissa. As he deeper knows the truth surrounding Melissa’s disappearance Jake tracks her last known whereabouts to a small town. There he gets infomation about Nichols, the head of a deeply funded security firm, and his sister Maggie and the family secret. They are securing a secret that could derail a billion-dollar water agreement between his boss and the United States government. As everything becomes clear, he goes on a journey for retribution to deal with those mindful. It’s up to Jake’s previous Black Ops guide Murphy to acquire him before he clears out the whole town. Stream free Hollywood content without paying a single penny on the Moviejoy website.