Title: Legacy 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Adventure, Thriller
IMDB Rating:
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: R. Ellis Frazier
Writer: Robert Orr
Stars: Louis Mandylor, Luke Goss, Elya Baskin
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Adventure, Thriller
IMDB Rating:
Quality: HD
Language: English
Directors: R. Ellis Frazier
Writer: Robert Orr
Stars: Louis Mandylor, Luke Goss, Elya Baskin
Synopsis: Stream New movie Legacy 2020 in 1080p HD. In this movie story, while on a searching experience within the isolated Wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are attacked by some unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival. After this surprising attack, the father comes to know a disturbing truth about his adopted son’s organic father. The real father of his son is a crime lord and that attack is also carried out by his father. Now the question is why that crime lord has dispatched trained assassins to kill the teen. If you are looking for websites to download movies Moviejoy is one of the best sites for you.